Saturday, August 21, 2010

All in Time

As I sit at a laundry mat staring into a dryer waiting for the moisture to be extracted from my clothing, I grow weary...weary of the thought that as I sit motionless everything surrounding me moves with an incorruptible purpose. I it the perceived stagnation of forward progression that has thrust into my subconscious fleeting thoughts of time? The seemingly endless ticking of my wrist watch becomes almost unbearable as every second begins to feel like a minute and every minute an hour. I fear my clothes may never dry. I turn to see a butterfly flutter pass the window and marvel at its beauty as it flies serenely, majestically, and purposefully. In its movements there is no hesitation to be witnessed; there is only an instinctive resolve to move forward. The farther it fades from my vision, the more envious I become. I long to escape the confines of a burdened heart; to take a step toward tomorrow without the regrets of yesterday; to dream without sleeping and to sleep without fear of dreaming. The sky begins to cry, and the pitter-patter of droplets that descend from above echo the rhythmic beating of my heart. As I reflect outward, I feel as if I am looking within myself. The only sound I hear is the sound of my heart...drip...drop. Water flows to lower heights and sometimes, so does the human heart. In time my clothing will dry, the beautiful butterfly will die, the tears will stop falling, and my heart will rise from the depths...all in time.

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